Planning Makes Perfect
Do you think that we often run from challenges because they are difficult or because we are afraid to discover our lack of capability?
Maybe it’s the ladder. When I set out to create this collection [The Summer Collection], I had planned it a year in advance. Surely this would give me enough time to properly plan, prepare, and execute everything I had envisioned.
Isn’t that how it usually goes, our plans are so perfect they couldn’t fail? I’ve done this enough times to know myself, and that my optimism in the grand scheme of things is often grander than my reality. But I will never let that go.
This collection in my mind from the beginning was to be honest and genuine. And that is exactly what it is accomplishing. Sure, I thought I’d have 20 pieces, framed and varnished to show you. But I am satisfied with the work this collection has established. And offering my work to you, my viewers, my friends is miles from where I had started. And I am so grateful to have you along on this journey.
Next week [August 31], is a big week for us. And I am eager and oddly calm in bringing these pieces into the public eye and access.
Stay creative my friends.